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結果,發現在這裡買[美國直購 ShopUSA] 國際象棋 Learn to Play Chess with Fritz and Chesster by Viva Media $1186,居然比百貨公司便宜,還有折價券可以拿

Learn to Play Chess with Fritz and Chesster by Viva Media

  • Fun characters like Fritz and Chesster make learning the game fun and interesting for children

  • When the king and queen go on vacation, young Fritz is left in charge of the castle. As he explores his surroundings, he'll learn all about chess, from the basics to advanced strategies -- and so will you!

  • Also includes a one-year membership to playchess.com

  • Is the item available or not, website issue confusing.

  • Discover 7 great arcade-style games that introduce chess fundamentals and advanced concepts

  • 之後我這樣想了,就決定網路買[美國直購 ShopUSA] 國際象棋 Learn to Play Chess with Fritz and Chesster by Viva Media $1186,超划算的~

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